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FETCH.AI — Don’t Miss an Artificial Intelligence Platform is delivering AI to the crypto economy. Digital Twins (also known as Autonomous Economic Agents), powered by artificial intelligence, it can provide automation to decentralized systems that can serve the needs of a single user or aggregate millions of data points to provide timely and efficient information about the outside world.

What is Gas Fee?

Gas fee is the fee paid to the nodes(miner) for executing smart contracts. When you transfer money on the Ethereum blockchain, the miner must pack your transaction and put it on the blockchain to complete the transaction.

Non-Fungible Token (NFT)

A Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is an item belonging to the blockchain. Due to its irreplaceable characteristics and decentralized attributes, it can be used to symbolize unique ownership attributes such as the ownership of a piece of land in the metaverse or art forms such as the Cryptopunk.

What is Web 3.0?

What’s next after the Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 era? With the monopoly of the current Web 2.0 run by Internet Technology giants such as Meta, Amazon and Alphabet, comes concerns of privacy and the need for a more open, fair, secure and decentralised network.