From Pokemon Cards to Crypto Art: How NFTs Are Taking the Collectibles Game to the Next Level

From Pokemon Cards to Crypto Art: How NFTs Are Taking the Collectibles Game to the Next Level


On March 11th, 2021, the digital artist known as Beeple sold a single NFT for $69 million at Christie’s, one of the world’s most prestigious auction houses. The artwork, titled “Everydays: The First 5000 Days,” is a collage of 5,000 individual pieces that Beeple created every day for 13 years. The NFT represents ownership of the entire artwork and is verified on the blockchain, making it a unique and valuable digital asset.

1.0: Everydays: The First 5000 Days.

In a world where everything is becoming digital, collecting has taken on a new form. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets that represent ownership of a specific item. They are created using blockchain technology and are verified through a smart contract. In this article, we’ll explore how NFTs are taking the collectibles game to the next level and revolutionizing the way we think about digital ownership.

Origins of NFTs

The concept of NFTs can be traced back to the early days of blockchain technology, specifically colored coins. In 2012, a developer named J.R. Willett proposed a new use case for Bitcoin by creating “colored coins” that represented assets other than Bitcoin. This allowed for the creation of digital tokens that could represent anything from gold to stocks to event tickets.

2.0: colored coins

However, the first known instance of an NFT being created was by Kevin McCoy and Anil Dash in 2014. They created a platform called Monegraph, which allowed users to create and sell digital art as NFTs. McCoy then minted the first NFT, a digital representation of his art piece “Quantum,” on the blockchain.

2.1: Photo of Monegraph site

Since then, NFTs have exploded in popularity, particularly in the world of art and collectibles. The success of CryptoPunks and CryptoKitties in 2017 helped to bring mainstream attention to the potential of NFTs, and the market has only continued to grow from there.

2.2: CryptoKitties NFT

Overall, NFTs represent a new frontier in the world of digital assets and ownership. As blockchain technology continues to develop and evolve, it is likely that NFTs will play an increasingly important role in the way we buy, sell, and trade digital assets.

The Evolution of Collecting

Collecting has always been about finding unique and valuable items that hold personal or monetary value. From baseball cards to stamps to rare coins, collectors have long sought after items that are scarce and in demand. With the rise of digital technology, collecting has evolved to include digital items that are just as rare and valuable as physical items.

NFTs have brought the concept of scarcity to the digital world, making unique digital assets rare and valuable. This has led to a boom in the digital art market, with artists selling their work as NFTs for millions of dollars. It’s almost like a modern-day gold rush, but instead of finding nuggets in a river, people are searching for the next big NFT.

In March 2021, musician Grimes sold a collection of digital art as NFTs for almost $6 million. This is just one example of how NFTs are changing the way we think about collecting and the value of digital assets. As technology continues to advance, it’s exciting to imagine what other unique digital items will become rare and sought after in the future.

3.1: Musician Grimes 
1.2: Grimes Nymph Collection

The Future of Collecting

As NFTs continue to gain popularity and mainstream acceptance, their potential for disrupting industries beyond art and collectibles is becoming increasingly clear. Take the gaming industry, for instance. In-game items and currency can now be represented as NFTs, creating an entirely new dimension to the gaming experience. Imagine owning a rare and unique NFT sword in your favorite game. It is a status symbol that sets you apart from other players and is highly sought after by collectors.

Similarly, the music industry is also ripe for disruption with NFTs. Buying a digital album or concert ticket that can be easily copied and shared. However, NFTs can represent ownership and provide proof of authenticity. Imagine owning a one-of-a-kind NFT that represents your favorite musician’s concert. It might grant you special access to behind-the-scenes footage, exclusive merchandise, and even a chance to meet the artist in person.

But the possibilities don’t end there. NFTs have the potential to revolutionize industries such as real estate, finance, and even education. For instance, imagine an NFT that represents ownership of a piece of land or property, with all the relevant documentation and details securely stored on the blockchain. The potential for fractional ownership and new forms of investment is enormous.

The Potential of NFTs

As more and more industries recognize the potential of NFTs, we’re likely to see a wave of innovation and creativity that we’ve never seen before. The possibilities truly are endless, and it’s exciting to see what the future holds for this groundbreaking technology.

Like seemingly everything in crypto, some researchers believe that this is another down season for NFTs preparing them for a massive rise in the nearest future. Others believe it to be like the pretty lady you saw last night at the club with no hope for a future together. Well, this fact of NFT is uncertain, fingers crossed on how it’s going to turn out.

What we do know however is that if there’s going to be a Future For NFT, it’s obviously going to be an exciting one. It’s exciting to think about all the possibilities that NFTs will bring. The technology is still relatively new, so there’s plenty of room for growth and innovation. Here are just a few ideas of what the future could hold in a list.

  •  NFTs could be used to create digital currencies and economies
  •  They could be used to store and transmit data securely and efficiently.
  •  They could be used to create digital registries for property, contracts, and other important documents.
  •  They could be used for voting and polling initiatives.
  • They could be used to create digital art and music.
  •  They could be used to create online learning platforms and curriculums.


NFTs are changing the way we think about digital ownership and collectibles. They have brought scarcity and value to the digital world, and their impact is only just beginning. As the use cases for NFTs continue to expand, we can expect to see more innovation and disruption in a wide range of industries. With NFTs, the future of collecting is here, and it’s digital.

While the history of NFTs is intriguing, the future of NFTs has endless opportunities. The new space transitions from raw and experimental to exceedingly more useful and mainstream. Through tokenization, programmability, collaboration, royalties, and more direct connections between artists and collectors, NFTs may soon be a technology vital to everyday life.  It may be challenging to predict the future, but for digital art collecting, it’s safe to say we have yet to imagine the extent of what will emerge in decades to come.

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