Are Layer-1 Solutions Moving to the Next Level?

The Crypto Wild West is alive and kicking, and this month’s hottest players are Layer 1 solutions Everscale and Aptos. With Everscale seeing a whopping 400%+ growth in just 30 days and Aptos experiencing a surge of over 350%, it’s clear that the market is looking for solutions that can stand the test of time.

Now, I can’t comment too much on Aptos. However, I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of the Everscale community for a while now and was formerly part of the EverX team. I can tell you that this project has been through the wringer and back.

Are Layer-1 Solutions Moving to the Next Level?
Are Layer-1 Solutions Moving to the Next Level?

The Everscale Journey

My Everscale journey began with a historic decentralized merger and acquisition process with Dune Network. In fact, I had the privilege of drafting and playing a role. This experience was a valuable lesson in decentralization and democratization for the teams building on and investing in Everscale. But, they’ve come out the other side stronger and more determined. The crypto winter may have been the worst I’ve ever seen, but Everscale and its development pipeline have remained almost unscathed.

One of the newer projects making waves in the Ever ecosystem is Venom. It is a sister project of Everscale that’s rumored to be working hand-in-hand with major nation-states to develop CBDCs. Venom follows hot on the heels of GOSH – a decentralized Github for us laymen.

Another one to watch out for is DeVote. It is a real-world solution to the problem of remote voting I’ve written a word or two on previously (here on MEXC). The MVP of the product works incredibly well and has garnered interest from some big names in the industry.

With defi and bridging solutions like FlatQube gaining traction and seeing constant improvement, it’s clear that Everscale is ready to take on the crypto world. The days of centralized solutions and traditional banking systems may be numbered, and it’s projects like Everscale that are leading the charge toward a more democratized and decentralized future.


So buckle up, crypto fans, the Wild West is about to get even wilder, and Everscale is ready to ride into the sunset as the king of Layer 1 solutions.

Personal Note From MEXC Team

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