MEXC AMA Uniqly (UNIQ) – Session with Hubert Dolata

In this Telegram AMA recap, you’ll find insights about the Uniqly project. In an event hosted by Miranda from MEXC, you will meet Hubert Dolata, Head of Marketing in Uniqly.

MEXC AMA with Uniqly – UNIQ

Key takeaways:

  • What is Uniqly
  • Team of Uniqly
  • Problems Uniqly solve
  • Role of UNIQ Token

Introduction to AMA Member from Uniqly:

Of course, hello to every member of MEXC I’m Hubert Dolata, and I’m the Head of Marketing at Uniqly is one of my most loved projects, and even after coming from multiple years of managing and developing projects in crypto I’m still surprised by just how much improvement can be made in the space as a whole. I’m here to answer your questions about the project, and I’m sure you will be amazed by what we have achieved during this year.

Questions from community to Uniqly:

Question 1:

Miranda: First can you tell us what is Uniqly? maybe you can share with us more in detail?

Hubert: For sure, there is a lot to talk about and the projects certainly deserves the attention ! Uniqly is a platform offering a wide set of products and services operating on the edge of the digital NFT space, metaverse, and the physical world. The key functionality is to create NFTs that are backed by physical items, digital wearables in many metaverses, and AR objects. By that, we cooperate with brands, projects, artists, and influencers to offer them a smooth way to participate in this innovative movement of phygital NFTs and launch their own collections. Each of our NFTs can be redeemed by its owner to receive physical products with full Proof of Authenticity on the blockchain delivered to the chosen destination, corresponding metaverse wearables for the digital avatars, and AR items. Core services that provide that functionality are Stores & Drops, Marketplace, Escrow, Redeem Module, and Generator.

Question 2:

Miranda: Can you tell us what triggers you to launch Uniqly? What are some of the real-world problems/pain points that Uniqly aims to solve?

Hubert: We have identified some really glaring problems in the market and decided to solve them with our project .

The NFT market is gaining traction every day and no one can deny that. Mainstream celebrities, influencers, sportsmen, and many others are changing their profile pictures for NFTs popularizing this trend. Even though we really like this part of the NFT space, we have taken a different approach to build the new trend in which we believe – phygital NFTs. This is done by creating a connection between the real-world, NFT space, and the metaverse. First, it started with the idea of connecting physical items with NFTs as a flexible and efficient way to solve many problems plaguing different markets, like proof of ownership, counterfeiting, the difficulty of shipping and trading items, the difficulty of pawning, and actually accruing value on purchased goods. This was done with our Proof of Authenticity layer in the form of QR codes and NFC pins fixed to each item, linking it with the blockchain. Now, as a cheer on the top, through our NFTs, we are linking physical items with metaverse wearables, giving our users the possibility to flex with the same items in real life and metaverse. 

As we have built a complex ecosystem, there is no platform on the market offering such a developed set of products. As a result, we don’t have any big direct competitors since we have been building up our platform as a 360-degree ecosystem. While there are some projects that are able to compete with us while only considering a couple of our features, there is none that bring the flexibility and value that we bring to our users.

Miranda: Phygital NFTs, that’s new, and interesting!

Hubert: Uniqly brings value to the NFT market as a whole by legitimizing the product as a multi-faceted tool, in a market that has seen it only either as a trend or as a momentary fad abused by VIPs. Yeah, phygital is the bridge towards the mainstream market!

Question 3:

Miranda: Next maybe you can talk abit more abut the native token, what’s the role of $UNIQ in Uniqly Would you tell us more about its tokenomics?

Hubert: Of course! The UNIQ token is one of the pillars of our ecosystem, being the utility token of the platform. Its primary purpose is to serve as a payment method for products and services within the Uniqly ecosystem. Additionally, shopping with UNIQ on Stores & Drops has an additional 10% discount in comparison to any other ERC-20 token that was introduced to the platform.

Question 4:

Miranda: Are there any exciting news or updates with regards to Uniqly that you would like to share with the users?

Hubert: There is always something new and exciting coming to Uniqly, but at the moment we are more focused on bringing to life the roadmap we published back in December. There is a lot still on our plate after the Christmas Party, like the full integration with the Metaverses and our efforts in AR. In January we will see many changes coming to the platform, and while there are no new announcements to be revealed at this exact moment we are working hard to make everything that we announced happen in the best way possible, just like the Sandbox tease we published a few days ago. Before we are able to communicate an exact date for the next announcement we need to have everything ready behind the scene, but we are getting there and we are excited to start this year with some banging news !

Miranda: Would like to have an update for our community members later

Question 5:

Miranda: If you were to summarize your project in ONE word, what would it be? Why?

Hubert: Maybe I’ll be able to tease something, but don’t hold me to that

That’s a really nice question

Mmmh, I would say it’s Pioneering. We operate in a super dynamic industry that is in the early stage of development where we built a whole new trend of phygital NFTs. Even in the NFT niche that is slowly getting to the mainstream, we are making something unique and new. As a result, we are pathing the way in this exciting space and building something that was not done before. The platform that allow us to connect the real world with NFTs and metaverse. That is why I believe pioneering is the proper term as it is pretty revolutionary from my perspective. Instead of searching for gold we are bringing it to the community!

Free-asking Session

Q1. Currently a lot of people are looking at NFTs, metaverse, and games. Can you tell me what advantages will you have in this field future?

Hubert:First of all, we have already built a 360 degree, fully functional ecosystem complete with NFT marketplace to sell and trade NFTs directly from your own customizable Landing page, which is a huge headstart on many other projects, second we have a sprawling network of influencers, VIP, collaborators and investors that are bringing the value of the project to another level, and third, we are unique, we have no direct competitor in the form of a single project, and as such we have a lot of agency on the free market. For the Metaverse, we are collaborating closely with the 2 biggest entities in the space, and we are looking forward to adding more integrations, as well as exploring the world of AR

Q2. Do you have a AUDIT certificates? Or are you working to AUDIT Your project, so that the security of the project becomes more secure and reliable? Thanks Sir.


We have already been reviewed and we passed our Audit with Certik!

Q3. Do you guys feel satisfied by seeing your progresses and achievements till now, when you look back to the day when you have started this project?


Yes, we have built a lot of features in the short span of a year, and we are still building more. We started by identifying a small gap in the market, and the project we built from that has grown massively in scope, encompassing 3 different realities at the same time, with our phygital NFTs. Once you get one of our NFTs, you will be able to own it in 3 different spaces, the real world, the digital one, and the metaverse. We are never satisfied and we always strive do to better, but I can say that we are proud of how far we have come, and we don’t plan to stop anytime soon.

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