In this Telegram AMA recap, you’ll find insights about the Smarty Pay project. In an event hosted by Iris from MEXC, you will Yanton Wirawan, Founder and CEO of Smarty Pay.

Hello everyone! I am the Community and Marketing manager of the Smarty pay project. I will be answering most of the questions today. The CEO is busy with our Launchpad testing today. He will give a brief introduction though
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Questions from the community:
Question 1:
Iris: What is Smarty Pay? Can you share with us more in detail?
Yanton: Smarty Pay is the next currency that was launched on July 2021, by a team of developers based in Indonesia.
Smarty Pay (SPY) has a program to give benefit the community through charity and by supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), running on Binance Smart Chain technology, to connect an offline-online transaction with retail systems (point of sales) that can be used globally.
The retail transaction system (POS/point of sales) from Smarty Indonesia will be the main engine of the block hash for every transaction that will be converted to SPY, where each holder has the opportunity to do stacking, farming, and exchange, etc. to maximize their capitalization.
Question 2:
Iris: What are Smarty Pay’s unique selling points as compared to other similar projects in the industry?
Yanton: 1) Unlike other tokens, Smarty established its underline project, then launched Smarty Pay Token. So it is not the other way around
2) Smarty Pay De-Fi and blockchain have to adapt to the newest trend, allowing holders to have better service, transparency, trust, and passive income that is bigger than our competitors. Check our De-Fi at
3) With the completeness of technology and project underlined by Smarty Indonesia, it is possible for holders to make SPY one of the assets that must be owned and stored for a long time.
Our goal is to evolve SPY into a complete feature that can be used by all levels of society such as e-commerce, POS (Point of Sales), Offline Trading, PPOB , Logistics, Farming, NFT, Vaults , Governance Protocol, DTP, P2E gaming and metaverse
Question 3:
Iris: What is the role of the $SPY token in Smarty Pay? Would you tell us more about its tokenomics?
Yanton: SPY Supply 100.000.000
SPY Tokenomic
Presale: 5%
Burn: 35%
Marketing: 10%
Mining & Stacking 10%
Development & Infrastructure :30%
Stable Asset: 5%
Charity 5%
1. For 30% tokenomy until now is still on the tokenomy
we use the another fund from our backer company, Smarty Indonesia
and the development token my will be uses for the next roadmap … SPY will become blockchain Mainnet
2. 35% burning it will cause the supply for SPY will very limited
and already 34% burned by us
3. The 5% presale is done by us about 2% and the rest is burned too.

Question 4:
Iris: Are there any exciting news or updates with regards to Smarty Pay that you would like to share with the users?
Yanton: Oh yes, there is a big news
Smarty Pay in nearly future is launching the Smarty Pay Launchpad test today & Wallet Converter in near future. Those will be the newest feature of Smarty Pay.
To be more informed about our Launchpad:
sneak peek at Smarty Pay launchpad
SPY Launchpad will use the newest and highest technology
1. KYC with Lock GPS SYSTEM
2. Youtube link for a promotional video
3. Lock LP
4. Lock Token
5. Vesting
6. Multi chain
7. Info Link
8. and many more will come out
Smarty Pay is planning to list on Gate.Io. Kucoin, and Bybit
Iris: And looking forward to all the exciting news!!
Yanton: We are actually super excited today. The launchpad is released for the test. It will go live in a few days
Question 5:
Iris: If you were to summarize your project in ONE word, what would it be? Why?
Yanton: Difficult but I put the word: Futurists
Iris: cool word. would you please explain why you chose it?
Yanton: We have a long-term view, aiming at 7 big platforms, one after another. To make a complete ecosystem.
Defi is out, Gaming coming in this month, and…..
The future is with us
GameFi will be launched in the near future
Iris: lovely clip 😉

This is our gate to GamingFi 💸💸

SPY will be one package of the entire Crypto financial inclusion ecosystem and Fiat Gateway …
Harmonization between transactions, transparency, speed, low gas fees, completeness of transactions, security, profitable will be our main focus now in building all of this.
partnerships, technology, a great team, and information will be vitamins for us to make this even greater in the future
Look forward to SPY becoming the Blockchain Mainnet in the near future….
Full Package Whole ecosystems
Defi 4.0, DAO Insurance, Funding & Lending, DTP, Exchanger, Multichain , NFT, Launchpad , Wallet … and many more will come out. Stay tuned guys!!!
Free-asking Session
Q1. Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to join your project? Because the success of a project attracts more investors who haven’t yet entered the crypto world. What are the plans to raise awareness about your project in the non-crypto space?
Yanton: For now, SPY holders are investing their assets in the Smarty DeFi platform. Smarty providing farming features, NFT power level staking, Auto compound feature, and DAO
If you want to know how Smarty NFT staking works, you can find more information at or you can go directly to Smarty DeFi at
Smarty will ensure to becoming a one-stop place for both investors and customers, by connecting SPY with the Smarty Point of Sales that can connect sellers and buyers. Every transaction will create a block hash and will be processed in the NEMOT ledger in real-time.
Q2. What is the most ambitious goal of your project? What is the ultimate vision that Your project is trying to achieve within the cryptocurrency market? I would appreciate it if you could share with us
Yanton: In accordance with our vision and mission from the start
based on the results of the study, the observation that we found a gap between the Fiat Gateway and the Crypto Gateway
we saw that there was a solution that we managed to create through our Nemot Blockchain
As a form of harmonization of Fiat Gateway and Crypto Gateway
through the ecosystem, we are building right now and we have partially completed that we are building a future ecosystem in Crypto financial inclusion;
Not just talking about Defi, Gaming, Funding, lending, DTP, Metaverse, and Ecommerce
Q3. Is This Your project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?
Yanton: SPY are welcome to various level of investors, and especially for diamond hands, we has both exclusive program promotions and benefits.
SPY with its underline project is very interesting for long-term project investors because we are already in the e-commerce business supported by a self-developed platform/application for online transactions, and a minimart chain with its own distribution center. We are convinced that the project underline, De-Fi, NFT, P2E gaming, and other trending features will be attract more investors and give a long-term benefit. SPY accommodate non-English speakers. SPY has several communities for non-English speakers, from Indonesia, India, China, Russia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Turkey, and soon Vietnam & Korea
Q4. Truly, you’ve done AMA in many telegram groups, so what next, what other way will you make your project more popular?
Yanton: Thank you for the question on launchpad. Smarty aware that there are lots of offers from various types of launchpads on the market, besides a lot of features and breakthroughs that have appeared in the last 1 year
some security standards are always being improved to increase security for all investors
Q5. Do you have Whitepaper if yes, please share it, and secondly do you have plans for pre-sale? Now, where can we Join it?
Yanton: You can read Smarty Pay Whitepaper here:
Q6. Have you been audited? Have not heard you talk about that security of funds is what every investor craves and plans to escape in case of insecurity if funds, scams, and rug pull? How strongly built is your security put in place?
Yanton: Yes, we have been audited by Certik and Techrate. Here are the reports
Q7. What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team lead the market?
Yanton: Smarty Pay’s strong advantage is, that Smarty has a real underline project which concerns on the development of Small & Medium Enterprises (SME). Furthermore, SPY wants to evolve the mission statement and upscale it into Fiat & Crypto Gateway. In practice, the more people made transactions with Smarty Shop Apps, the more point rewards they get. Those rewards can be converted to Smarty Pay Token. It’s irresistible benefit holders/investors/customers can get from Smarty Pay.
Smarty Pay team consist of various background & experience in blockchain programming, Web development & App programming, financial & trading, marketers, creative content & copywriting, business development, admin-customer support, and other team support.
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