MEXC AMA Race Kingdom (ATOZ) – Session with Kartik Raj Rewar

In this Telegram AMA recap, you’ll find insights about the Race Kingdom project. In an event hosted by SenHo from MEXC, you will meet Kartik Raj Rewar (GM of the Race Kingdom project)

Kartik Raj Rewar : Hello @snho02 firstly thank you for inviting me and the Race Kingdom project for this AMA

I’d also want to begin by thanking everyone who has tuned in. My name is Kartik and I am the GM of the Race Kingdom project I have a background in corporate strategy and alternative investments. I believe we have the opportunity of a lifetime to change the world through crypto and its applications. The crypto space is still very new and I am excited to learn more as the industry matures.

In my free time, I enjoy traveling the world (68 countries and counting, Norway was my favorite), reading non-fiction, and playing games (AoE2 is love). If there are any gamers here, I’d love to answer their questions at the end🎮

Our website:




Questions from the community:

Sen Ho Q1. What is Race Kingdom? Can you share with us more in detail?

Kartik Raj Rewar : Race Kingdom is an upcoming game. It is metaverse-based game. HUnlike other crypto games, it is built by gamers for gamers and will have a multilingual highly-immersive experience.

Our game will have wide range of NFT creatures, scenic arenas, and private leagues.

On a side note, brownie points to people who figure out what this sticker is about

Sen Ho Q2. What triggers you to launch Race Kingdom? What are some of the real-world problems/ pain points that Race Kingdom aims to solve?

Kartik Raj Rewar : If you are as old as I am, you can recall the era of late 1990s or early 2000s where LAN games/parties used to be the norm

That was the golden era of gaming and games used to be fun then

We want to recreate that experience of casual fun gaming

We want to build a game that is ‘fun’ first and foremost. We will do this by having a simplified gameplay, free to play races, private leagues, and much more.

Additionally, the feature closest to my heart is taking feedback from community after releasing a beta. We want to build a game that people want to play, first and foremost

There are few main features that make Race Kingdom stand out:

1. Unique NFT creatures as camels, horses, snails and even hybrids

2. Different arenas for an immersive metaverse experience

3. Multilingual game to make it truly global and unite communities worldwide

4. DAOs to allow active players and community members to initiate, discuss and vote on different segments of game development

Sen Ho Q3. What is the role of the $ATOZ token in Race Kingdom? Would you tell us more about its tokenomics?

Kartik Raj Rewar : $ATOZ is going strong as an in-game currency with out-of-game value. In simple words, the token will be used to play the game at negligible gas fee.

We launched $ATOZ on 15 July 2022 and have seen 1000% growth since then. $ATOZ was recently aded in the top gainers on CMC and CoinGecko

I am sharing a table below that illustrates the performance of our token

As you can see above, $ATOZ has outperformed multiple asset classes and a number of leading Web3 gaming tokens

You had asked about tokenomics. We allocated 30% for play to earn and 15% for staking. Staking $ATOZ has immediate and long-term benefits, which include earned interest and VIP access to the platform and NFTs. 

The chart below illustrates this better that I can

While I realise that we are currently in a bear market, however, our resolve to outperform has only grown stronger. We like to call ourselves as the Bull of the Bear market

Here’s an innocent meme. I understand that the MEXC community loves memes 🙂

Sen Ho Q4. Are there any exciting news or updates with regards to Race Kingdom (ATOZ) that you would like to share with the users?

Kartik Raj Rewar : Oh absolutely. The last few weeks have been very exciting for Race Kingdom

– We got listed on a number of exchanges, including MEXC

– We launched staking and sold out our 10/15/30 days staking program. Now we will be launching longer term staking

– We will soon be announcing a little something with ____ DAO (sssh, it’s a secret, don’t spill this outside this community)

– Got ranked among the top gainers to CMC and CG

– Ranked as the #1 top gainer by PlayToEarnDaily in the blockchain game category

– Onboarded Ferrum group as our advisor

– We doubled our team size in the last month and are still growing. We will launch a Careers page soon

– We are in the process of launching multiple local communities around the globe

and much more..I’d invite the community to check us out on our website and social media channels. I will share links at the end. Stay tuned!

Sen Ho Q5. If you were to summarize your project in ONE word, what would it be? Why?

Kartik Raj Rewar : The one word would be winner. And I say this very humbly. There are a lot of projects out there doing a lot of cool stuff. However, we have received a lot of love and support from our ever-growing community for our token, upcoming NFTs, game development etc. We are grateful for that and it inspires us to keep giving more. Onwards and upwards.🚀

Free-asking Session

Q1. For a project development first of all main priority is having enough fund. Does your team financially capable to run this project? Do you have enough fund for it’s developement Can you tell us that how your project generate the profit? [1117]

Kartik Raj Rewar : 

Hi Blanche. I like answering the difficult questions first. We are a self-funded project and have enough funds to sustain a runway of 3 years. We closely monitor our burn rate and make decisions accordingly. After 3 years, if required, we will go for external funding.

At the same time, we are always looking for strategic investors and smart money. Hope this answers your question @CrisMarcum

Q2. [1117] What is the competitive advantage of your project? Can you tell me 1-3 best features of your project that other projects don’t have to convince me and other investors to invest in your project for a long time?

Kartik Raj Rewar : 


1. A very simple gameplay. This should be a game first i.e. it should be fun

2. Multi-lingual

3. Private leagues

4. Free to play races

5. Skill based component

6. Personalised monetization opportunties for brands

You asked for 3, we have 6. Always delivering 2x🚀

Q3. Do you have Whitepaper if yes, please share it with as secondly do you have plans for pre-sale? Now where can we Join it? [1117]

Kartik Raj Rewar :

Absolutely, you can find our Whitepaper on our project website –

Direct link of whitepaper –

The $ATOZ token is live on 6 exchanges. Token performance and exchanges are available at 

Q4. I want to support your project, Tell us more about the Ambassador Program and in what ways can we participate ? [1117]

Kartik Raj Rewar : 

Thank you for the amazin question and I love the spirit. Our BD team is creating an ambassador program and we will announce the details of this program during the Future Blockchain Summit in October

Q5. Staking, NFT is very hottest, do you think you will apply NFT technology to your products in the achieved future? [1117]

Kartik Raj Rewar : 

Yes, we will launch our NFT collection in late October. NFTs are an integral part of the Race Kingdom game.

We will start with camel NFTs and then expand to horses, lions, snails etc (based on community demand). Watch our social media channels and join our Telegram community to stay tuned

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