MEXC AMA FRUITS Eco-Blockchain Project – Session with Kensuke Yano

In this Telegram AMA recap, you’ll find insights about the FRUITS Eco-Blockchain Project. In an event hosted by SenHo from MEXC, you will meet Kensuke Yano founder and Chief Technical Officer of the FRUITS Eco-Blockchain Project.

Guest: Kensuke Yano founder and Chief Technical Officer of the FRUITS Eco-Blockchain Project.

Host: Sen Ho

Kensuke Yano :

Hello, my name is Kensuke Yano and I am the founder and Chief Technical Officer of the FRUITS Eco-Blockchain Project.😊

As for my background, I have a Master’s degree in Advanced Technology in Artificial Intelligence, and through the past few years, I have been specializing in Blockchain, AI programming, data mining, and application development.

Our website:



Questions from the community:

Sen Ho Q1. What is Fruits (FRTS)? Can you share with us more in detail?

Kensuke Yano: Fruits (FRTS) is the crypto-asset that represents our blockchain project. We aim to revitalize global charity with legendary athletes as well as major NPO/NGO organizations.

Our sustainable Eco-Blockchain, which is the basis of “Fruits,” is built through PoC and multi-layered smart contracts.

It is built so that “your consumption leads to another’s saving.” Meaning, when someone makes a payment with Fruits (FRTS), it could directly connect to charity.

A series of mechanisms are built in as a multi-layered smart contract, such as offering token rewards to those to donate to charity so there is an incentive to donate – creating a win-win scenario for both the donor and the recipient.

Sen Ho Q2. What triggers you to launch Fruits (FRTS)? What are some of the real-world problems/ pain points that Fruits (FRTS) aims to solve?

Kensuke Yano: I joined the Rotaract Club, a volunteer organization under the auspices of the Rotary Club and became the Chairman of the Tokushima Chapter which received numerous awards for being an exemplary volunteer and charity organization amongst those in Japan.

Since then, I have remained committed to many volunteer activities throughout Southeast Asia.

So my expertise in blockchain and my experience in the Rotaract Club is what led to the start of the FRUITS Eco-Blockchain Project.

We have been searching for the right flow of donations and fundraising to solve various problems that occur around the world. It is no exaggeration to say that donations and fundraising are the key to solving the problems of hunger, poverty, and inequality around the world. We believe that money and information to protect people and children, who have a future, could be used in a better and more efficient way.

However, that thought alone was not enough to provide a clear reason for the project to exist. In the midst of this, as we entered 2021, we refocused on the features of the PoC consensus algorithm, which is the technical framework of this project. As a result, to implement the project’s unique features and attractions, we have decided to present the project as an Eco-Blockchain project that aims for a sustainable ecosystem, rather than just a crypto-asset project. In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly came up with the 17 SDGs, which I do believe are real-world problems. Our project aims to help achieve some of those goals through blockchain technology.

Sen Ho Q3. What is the role of the $FRTS token in Fruits? Would you tell us more about its tokenomics?

Kensuke Yano: As mentioned above, the role of FRTS is to reach beyond financial inclusivity and to create a better society for those who are born and raised in a less fortunate environment. For this to happen, we realized that we need to increase our total supply and make the value of FRTS more affordable for more people.

So, earlier this year, we had a FRTS Split (like a stock split), where we increased our supply by 100x, hence the price dip. However, we made sure that our holders were not affected by this because we gave them 99 FRTS for every 1 FRTS they had.

Sen Ho Q4. Are there any exciting news or updates with regards to Fruits (FRTS) that you would like to share with the users?

Kensuke Yano: Definitely. Starting off with a very small fun release, I actually released something during this AMA! The FRTS stickers that I have been using during this AMA was a small fun release that we got ready for this AMA with MEXC.

As for our major releases, we just released our new whitepaper which now includes new information about our blockchain and our vision – a detailed explanation to why & how we want to make a better society through the Fruits Blockchain.

We are scheduled to release our DAO website within the next few weeks. At the timing of our DAO website release, we also plan to officially launch multiple DeFi services, including our original DEX, staking, and DonationFi feature. In addition to that, we are also scheduled to launch our lending, yield farming, and staking v2 feature in about a month. We also have our NFTfi feature scheduled to launch within the next few months, and we are also looking into new CEX listings as well.

We will be renewing our Fruits Station website, within the months to come, which will make it more user-friendly and easier to use. We will also be renewing and releasing our new discord channel within the next few weeks.

Sen Ho Q5. If you were to summarize your project in ONE word, what would it be? Why?

Kensuke Yano: Charity, because our whole blockchain project is based on bettering society through our eco-friendly blockchain built through PoC and multi-layered smart contracts.

Free-asking Session


 Audit is important for both trust and security. Have you done any audit of smart contract? [2014]

Kensuke Yano:

Great question. 

This is actually mentioned in our new whitepaper on page 27 (8.5 Security Audit)👍

Our blockchain ecosystem conducts rigorous code audits to further ensure security. In particular, tokens and their storage wallets are subject to code audits by Quantstamp, Inc., which is extremely important for security and for asset protection.

Quantstamp is the leader in blockchain security, having performed over 250 audits and secured over $200 billion in value😊

Q2. [2014]How does project increase the token’s value, liquidity and utility ? So that it can lead to an increase in token prices ? What is your plan to make your project stable and provide the highest return for investors in the long term ?

Kensuke Yano:

So I see countless amounts of answer to your question, but I’ll try to keep this short and simple.

For increasing the token’s value, liquidity, and utility💁‍♂️

・We will be launching our multiple DeFi features (DEX, staking, lending, yield farming, DonationFi, NFTfi, etc)

・We will keep looking to get listed on other major CEXs

・We have a burn policy that is defined as or about once every four years

・We plan to collaborate with many legendary athletes & NPOs & NGOs

・We will be launching many more charity projects etc

We are still at the beginning of our project and we understand that we still a lot more work to do but that also provides a big potential return for our investors😊

Q3. Do you have any ongoing or upcoming reward program events, please let us know in detail &do you have any ambassador program as well as your project? More communities hold events to attract more people. That is also the main thing to attract project investors [2014]

Kensuke Yano:

We will be running airdrop campaigns throughout the whole year of 2022✨

We just finished one for August and our September airdrop will be launching next week🚀

Also, FRUITS Eco-Blockchain have series of mechanisms built in as a multi-layered smart contract, which enables rewards to be sent to those who donate to charity🌍

We will be providing more details and more events around this in the future!💎

Q4. [2014] Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, What makes your project different from other projects?

Kensuke Yano:

As I explained earlier, our project will continue to release many features including DeFi for Staking, Lending, Yield Farming, etc., and DAO Voting with our Governance Token (Guava Token – GT), and the renewal of our which is our donation website. 

We also plan to release services such as BCG and ID NFT using TFSTs.

These plans have been in the planning and development stages for quite some time, as you can see from Whitepaper and Roadmap, which shows the long-term progress of the project.

Q5. Do you have a whitepaper? if yes please share it with us and secondly are you working to AUDIT your project, to make its security more secure and reliable? [2014]

Kensuke Yano:

Please find the link below to our Whitepaper💁‍♂️

Also, our whitepaper can always be accessed through our website👍

As mentioned in another answer, our blockchain ecosystem conducts rigorous code audits to further ensure security. In particular, tokens and their storage wallets are subject to code audits by Quantstamp, Inc., which is extremely important for security and for asset protection👨‍💻

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