MEXC Blog Interview With Exosama Network Team

In this blog interview, you’ll find insights about the Exosama Network project. In an event hosted by MEXC, you will meet Exosama Network team.

MEXC:Please share with us about Exosama Network. What project is this? Can you introduce its team and financial background?

Exosama Network:Exosama Network is a versatile NFT and metaverse-focused blockchain that accommodates NFT projects from many fields, such as gaming, music, etc. It features an enterprise-grade EVM blockchain and connects multiple metaverses and ecosystems with the help of our Web3 services. 

Exosama Network is governed by Moonsama NFT holders and underpins Moonsama’s gaming and NFT ecosystem. It encompasses multi-chain blockchain solutions, evolvable NFT collections, a myriad of Web 3.0 assets, NFT marketplaces and thriving metaverses. In the future, we’re also going to transform the Exosama Network into a fully-fledged Polkadot parachain.

One of the most popular features of Moonsama is its Play-to-Craft economy. This solves the problem of economic unsustainability – a common issue for P2E (play to earn) projects – shifts the focus to development of the tokenomics rather than the actual game and metaverse itself.

Play-to-Craft addresses this by providing a reward system where Web3 assets have actual utility, and in turn, more resources, and a more robust economy. By not having to focus on P2E mechanics, we can instead focus on the metaverses and games themselves. This has an additional advantage as it also solves another problem we see in P2E games where people spend a lot of time playing to get “ahead of others”, which is not what our games and metaverses are built for.

We use NFT 2.0 technology, with composable NFTs that can evolve and be customized. This means your character can wear other NFTs – such as NFT accessories – giving you different appearances and special benefits inside the metaverse.

P2E economy depends heavily on the number of new people coming in rather than increasing the value given to the user in terms of entertainment backed by sustainable products. In contrast, we want to achieve an ecosystem that does not depend on the number of people entering, but rather on continuously increasing the value for the community. This step out of P2E can be achieved using NFT 2.0 technology to allow users to build a base NFT that can adapt to new ideas and trends. We have strong support for this idea from our community.

Minting new NFTs, moving them from games to the blockchain and having them interact with other NFTs results in a huge amount of transactions that would cost over 100 times more on blockchains such as Ethereum or require compromising on decentralization and/or security. In contrast, Exosama Network offers fast and cheap transactions without compromise. In addition to keeping a lot of new value in our ecosystem, this can lead to a significant reduction in costs for our community members, who often have hundreds of transactions in a year.

The Exosama Network team consists of over 30 crypto natives and experienced, world-class blockchain engineers who’ve worked with blockchains used by major energy companies with our art studio. Earlier this year we raised over $7,000,000 without any paid marketing mostly with the help of our community.

MEXC:How does the development process of your project differ from the most? How did you end up creating NFT 2.0 technology and P2C (Play-to-Craft) mechanism?

Exosama Network:For us it’s a team effort: we prefer to release products as proof of concept and get real-time market feedback from our community. One of the biggest challenges in Web3 projects is being too focused on finalizing and preparing details rather than delivering products and services. Our method has led to greater transparency, engagement and a more efficient process of delivering new products.

One of the reasons NFT 2.0 technology and Play-to-Craft mechanism don’t exist at a significant scale in Web3 is simply technical limitations. Most NFT and metaverse projects exist on Ethereum, where it’s not viable to have mechanisms involving many transactions due to cost and user experience. Considering this is probably the first obstacle developers face, there is not much research in this area. On Polkadot, an L0 blockchain platform where our roots are, your average NFT project is a bit different. While generally on Ethereum the primary NFT focus is on art, Polkadot focuses more on the utility aspect of NFTs, which is how we differentiate ourselves from projects on Ethereum.

The cool thing about this ecosystem with its technology is that we’ve made it so that collections from Ethereum and other EVM based blockchains can join and start using our products from Exosama Network to Multiverse Portal to metaverses. With the help of Multiverse Portal, where we stake our NFTs to access metaverses, we’re able to integrate any collection from Ethereum almost immediately, as we’ve already integrated our Exosama collection on Ethereum on the Multiverse Portal. 

MEXC:How can I join to be a part of the community?

Exosama Network:There are ways for everyone, no matter what their skills are, to get involved in our community and join with our NFT collections (Moonsama, Exosama and Gromlins), and Raresama NFT Marketplace or with Exosama Network.

Moonsama is our initial and primary NFT collection, offering access to metaverses, governance, and surprises. There are only 1000 of them available.

Exosama is our most popular collection, launched on September 2022 on Ethereum. Consisting of 10,000 cyberpunk-inspired women, Exosamas offer access to our metaverses and surprises. Exosama is a part of our mission to get more exposure on Ethereum rather than just being on Polkadot.

Gromlins are a collection of 3,333 wicked-looking creatures that we launched in celebration of Raresama NFT Marketplace in September 2022.

Artists, creators and NFT collectors are welcome to join our ecosystem via our Raresama NFT Marketplace where we offer help in onboarding them.

Exosama Network provides a way for builders to get involved in our mission to deliver the infrastructure that supports these metaverses and more. External companies and projects wanting to build on our ecosystem are welcome to do so on Exosama Network.

MEXC:Why did you decide to develop Exosama Network?

Exosama Network:Our ecosystem with its NFTs and services was originally based on different blockchains on Polkadot and Kusama. However, the increasing complexity of our family of products combined with the nearing risk of outgrowing the platforms where our technology was being deployed, called for a tailor-made network rather than relying on third-party blockchains. 

The ability to introduce on-chain transactions inside our Metaverses with 1000+ weekly on-chain players was not possible using previous blockchains without compromising the user experience. This is something we are now able to explore with Exosama Network.

Most of us didn’t know too much about NFTs themselves when we started Moonsama. Still, we were very familiar with protocols across different ecosystems and their pros and cons, and knew what kind of development, marketing and business development is vital for success as we were experienced it first-hand. As NFT projects were not what we were involved with but more of blockchain platforms and utility-focused projects, this led us to approach Moonsama as a protocol rather than NFT.

MEXC:What are the highlights of Exosama Network? What problems can it solve?

Exosama Network:Exosama Network is tailored to the needs of gaming and NFTs in Web3. Below is a list of what they are and we aim to provide them all in the future:

  • Fiat on/off ramps
  • Decentralized social sign-in (e.g. integration with KILT’s SocialKYC)
  • Custodial and non-custodial wallets
  • Wallets with NFT or asset visualization
  • Integration with OpenSea (and/or other popular marketplaces)
  • Compatibility with Metamask (plus other major chains)
  • Token (cryptocurrency) minting
  • NFT minting
  • ‘Free’ minting or gasless transactions for gamers
  • High TPS
  • Fast finality (without risk of roll-backs from forking)
  • Fast queries
  • EVM compatibility (for porting or multi-chain dApps / smart contracts)
  • Acceptance of assets in ERC standard
  • Oracle integration (pricing, random function / RNG)
  • Web3 users can bring in / hold / exit to multiple cryptocurrencies
  • Off-chain storage / compute (decentralized)
  • Integration with major gaming engine SDKs (Unity, Unreal, others TBC)
  • Suitability for desktop and mobile gaming (e.g. TBC value of light clients)
  • Node hosting as a service (game publishers don’t want to host nodes)
  • Smart contract auditing and test tooling
  • Game + crypto-economy tooling (impact of DEX, marketplaces on token / asset value)
  • Easy-to-use tax compliance tooling for gamers
  • DeFi functionality for ‘advanced’ users (e.g. lending against gaming assets)

MEXC:What is the tokenomics of the Exosama Network, and what are the use cases?

Exosama Network:The total supply of the Exosama Network coin is 1 000 000 000 (1 billion) coins.

510 million coins are allocated to POOP token holders who got POOP tokens by participating in the ecosystem (51%).

100 million coins are allocated to the team fund (10%).

The remaining 390 million is allocated to the community fund (39%).

The coin has utility as a gas fee coin for massive volumes of tokenized in-game items, governance and on the Raresama NFT Marketplace, minted NFTs and for our services connecting Web 3.0 assets and Web 2.0 applications together.

All coins except team and treasury allocation were initially distributed to ecosystem participants and there were no pre-sales. Exosama Network is the last stage of a year-long tokenomics progression.

MEXC:You’re known for your active and engaged community. How did it form and why is it so active? Did it affect your decision-making Exosama Network governable by NFTs?

Exosama Network:Our community started to form in 2018 on various crypto-focused Telegram communities, way before anything was launched. We were all keen crypto natives reading about new listings on exchanges, researching different projects and eventually many of the current team members became well-known voices in the community. One of the reasons why the community is so active is that we’ve been and are still part of the community ourselves, we know what the community expects from our experience, and we act accordingly.

We’re also known for our unique governance structure where we vote inside the metaverse using Moonsama NFTs, which even gathered the attention of Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum and Polkadot. We have Tokengated groups where we regularly discuss the project’s developments with the community. Fun and engaging methods to interact with the community have led to an average governance participation rate of more than 40% in the last 5 governance votes, which speaks for itself.

Everything above affected our decision to create the world’s first blockchain governed by NFTs, more specifically by our Moonsama collection of 1000 NFTs. Not only does this lead to a more engaged community and a healthy ecosystem, but it also removes some of the fundamental risks involved in what we’ve seen with proof-of-stake governed blockchains.

In proof of stake, there is a possibility that if only 5% of a network participates in governance, which is a standard governance participation rate we’re seeing for many major blockchain platforms, an entity needs to have only 5.1% of the supply to control the network. With venture capitalists getting access to seed rounds that can be even 100 times cheaper than the public launch price, this is a real and significant risk to consider. Even if one entity didn’t own enough tokens themselves to hijack the network, they could coordinate to with others to take control, which is standard practice for significant funds as previous developments in the industry prove.

As there are only ever around 5 -15 Moonsamas for sale at any time, generally at a very high price, getting control of 5% of Moonsamas is getting increasingly difficult and financially disincentivizing. And since the average governance participation rate on Moonsama is 40%, that makes it even more unlikely that a doubtful situation would ever arise by governing the blockchain with NFTs.

MEXC:Does Exosama Network launch the blockchain for its own use to build an ecosystem based on music and games or to attract external developers to participate in the ecosystem construction?

Exosama Network:Both. Exosama Network is not only used by us but also by other companies and projects. 

The most recent example is Public Pressure, a company with its own Web3 music platform aiming to transition music from Web2 to Web3. They released their own NFT on Exosama Network allowing you to listen to music inside our metaverses and more. This NFT utilizes our products such as Multiverse Portal, connecting Web 2.0 applications with Web 3.0 assets.

One of the reasons we like Polkadot is that it allows more interoperability with other blockchains than we see in other ecosystems. However, to make the most of it, we work with other companies to work with us on Exosama Network. 

Other examples of external companies and projects building on the Exosama Network are Khaos Exchange and community-made projects and we’re currently in talks with other potential partners planning to build on Exosama Network.

MEXC:What are Exosama Network’s next plans?

Exosama Network:We’re currently working on adding new features to our Moonsama Metaverse, working with new partnerships, developing our Web3 Gaming Platform, migrating our ecosystem assets and flagship NFT Marketplace Raresama to Exosama Network as well as introducing rewards for providing liquidity on Khaos Exchange.

An issue with launching Exosama on Ethereum was the limited supply of 1,000 Moonsamas, which was eventually not enough for everyone wanting to join our ecosystem. This resulted in Moonsamas becoming unaffordable for the majority of the people. Polkadot’s NFT space is also in very early stages compared to other ecosystems. So launching Exosamas on Ethereum was not only to make them available for many more people than before, but also to bring people to Polkadot. We’re currently in talks with collections on Ethereum and working on potential collaborations that are not typical whitelist advertising collaborations, but which connect the community through actual utility-focused collaborations.

We’re also planning on migrating Exosama Network to our Polkadot parachain next year to benefit from Polkadot’s shared security and interoperability and we are working on the Governance 2.0 system, the next phase for our Governance 1.0 system.

Additionally, we plan to introduce fixed-price NFTs, called Mercenaries, to enable our mission of scaling our ecosystem to over 100,000+ users. But we can’t say too much about yet.

MEXC:When did Moonsama launch?

Exosama Network:Moonsama launched officially just with the Moonsama collection and Moonsama Marketplace on September 21st, 2022, as a fun community-led experiment in building on Polkadot that was never supposed to become something serious. The vast majority of our community had been introduced to Polkadot, our niche, a long time ago. At the time of the launch, we chose to build on Moonriver as it was what we all saw as the most exciting project. Moonriver is L1 EVM based blockchain on Polkadot’s canary network, Kusama.

We started thinking about the first utility for our NFTs and decided to choose Minecraft, since many of us had played it already, which we integrated with Moonriver. This led us to build one of the first, if not the world’s first, Substrate protocol that basically allows you to connect Web2 games to blockchains. This means that these NFTs act as a skin for your metaverse character and that in-game items can be exported as blockchain tokens to do anything we want.

Since then, we’ve delivered over 10 products ranging from technology-related products to NFTs, metaverses, games, and more.

What motivated us to work further on Moonsama was that most NFTs are just static profile pictures, while the possibilities of what you can do with them are limitless. 

Our work so far made us go from a totally new project on Polkadot to its leading NFT ecosystem based on TVL and on-chain player count within just one year.

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