MEXC AMA Tank Wars Zone – Session with Paul & Andy

In this Telegram AMA recap, you’ll find insights about the Tank Wars Zone project. In an event hosted by Iris from MEXC, you will meet Paul Nguyen, Co-Founder, and Andy Hoang, Head of Business Development & CMO of Tank Wars Zone.

Introduction of Tank Wars Zone MEXC AMA Members:

Hi everyone, I’m Andy, Head of Business Development and CMO of the Tank Wars Zone (TGOLD and WBOND tokens). With me today, we also have Paul, our CoFounder. The core team also has Pete, our CoFounder & CEO, and Lawson, our Strategic advisor.

So Pete, Paul & Lawson have been in the crypto market since very early mining Bitcoin back in 2013, and especially in 2019, they became the first community validator on Fantom Network, only after the founding ones from the Fantom Foundation.

As you can see Fantom at the moment is usually in the Top 40 on CoinMarketCap, that journey and opportunity actually have given our founders an incredible amount of knowledge, experiences, and also in capital returns. We are currently also the most staked validators on the Fuse network, with around 7 million tokens staked at the moment.

In terms of gaming development, everything that you’ve seen, our demos, graphics, etc. are all developed in-house by experienced and veteran game designers & developers. So what we try to do is to gather a team with experienced and veteran developers both in terms of blockchain and gaming development, to create Tank Wars Zone.

For all of our socials, please use this link:

Questions from community to Tank Wars Zone:

Iris: What is Tank Wars Zone? Can you share with us more in detail?

Paul: So Tank Wars Zone is a game with play-to-earn mechanics created in the genre of action tank battles. The player will have to explore the game world, collect enhancing gaming items, participate in battles with other players, raid on bosses, and use different mechanics for passive income, such as placing their NFT in staking. With its low-cost entry barrier, the game is affordable and accessible to players, especially for those in developing countries. 

Players will have access to numerous classes of tanks with unique characteristics, such as health, armor, speed, etc. In addition, each tank can be improved with additional equipment. After battles, players will receive TGOLD, the in-game currency, and experience points, which affect tank power and value. 

Tank Wars Zone will have various exciting gameplay modes that players can play and earn, such as PvE, PvP, World Boss Battle, Guild Wars, Tank Championship, and Battle Royale. The game also offers different battle systems and special features such as lending, garage, etc., for players to try and have fun.You can check our Demo of PvE 1v1!

PvE at Tank Wars Zone

In PvE is the demo you can see here or on our website, the gameplay is turn-based battle shooting. PvP will be much more different. The viewing angle will be a top-down view and you can control the movement of the tank and fight in real-time with other real players. World Boss battle is that you will fight with strong and big stat bosses. By defeating these bosses, the winner will earn rare NFTs. Guild Wars is the game mode that you can connect with each other, form a group guild to play, and compete with other groups. Battle Royale is another exciting mode in which you will have many players in a large map and find ways to eliminate each other until the last survivor is the ultimate winner. The game also offers different battle systems and special features such as lending, garage, etc., for players to try and have fun.

Iris: What triggers you to launch Tank Wars Zone? What are some of the real-world problems/ pain points that Tank Wars Zone aims to solve?

Andy: As we can see that blockchain gaming has now introduced a very new business model for game developers. If we look back to the traditional games only have a closed economic system in which everything is owned by the game publishers and it does not hold many monetary values linked to the real world. With blockchain gaming, there is a fundamental shift in values in which now we as game creators, can create our own economy and ecosystem that connects to the real world. Players can have different ways to make money by playing to earn cryptocurrencies, staking or trading their NFTs for profits.

The in-game assets now also have tangible values. For game developers, the more dynamics of a game ecosystem, the more vibrance of its communities the more successful a game can get in terms of values both in entertainment and economic returns. So as blockchain gaming is transforming the gaming industry worldwide with this sentiment and vision, we want to create Tank Wars Zone a few pain points that we want to address.

First is we want to have a low-cost entry game to play. We want to provide exciting game experiences to our players while not requiring them to pay a lot of money to play the game especially for those in developing countries as I mentioned, that is why we only plan to sell $50/Tank NFT which we think is a reasonable and affordable price point for the majority of players. Secondly is the gameplay itself. We will offer various gameplay modes such as PvE, PvP, Guild Wars, Tank Championship, Battle Royale, etc. as I already mentioned above and several special features such as lending mechanics, garage, to make the game much more exciting. So it’ll be fun and enjoyable for players to spend time playing while also earning a regular and extra income

I’d like to also go over the two special features Garage and the Lending mechanics so you can better understand. The garage is a kind of in-game shop that can repair tanks and help them quickly return to battles. Usually a tank can only fight 5 matches per day, but if you own a garage, you can decrease the cool down time for your tanks to join back to fight.

In addition to repairing their own tanks, garage owners can also provide repair services to other regular players to earn more revenue. Moreover, the game will provide APIs that will allow garage owners to freely create their own custom design for in-game items such as flags, skins, weapons, etc.

They can then mint these NFTs and sell them on the Tank Wars game marketplace for more profit. We hope that these mini shops will make the game’s ecosystem more vibrant and dynamic. The lending mechanism is also a special and interesting feature that allows players to rent out their tanks to other players. Tank owners can set a fixed daily rate and whoever rents their tanks will need to pay whether they use the tanks or not. Casually, if you have for example 20 tanks and you don’t have enough time to play all of them you can rent your tanks to your friends, to other players to join and participate in the game

From a more business perspective, with this feature, you can actually adopt an Uber-style business model in which instead of a large fleet of cars, now you will have a large fleet of tanks and many players/drivers will work for you. As a result, the tank owners will have a passive income from the rental and the rental rate they setup before.

Iris: Would you tell us more about your tokenomics?

Andy: Regarding tokenomics, there are two primary tokens in Tank Wars Zone: WBOND Token and TGOLD Token. With a total supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens, WBOND is the utility & governance token players can get WBOND through staking, NFT trading, or through special events. It is used for staking, trading NFTs, or voting when we implement the DAO, Decentralized Autonomous Organization later on. TGOLD is our in-game currency that can be obtained just by playing our game, farming, and trading NFTs. Without a predefined supply, TGOLD is used for NFT trading, repair, and upgrade tanks.

Iris: Are there any exciting news or updates with regards to Tank Wars Zone that you would like to share with the users?

Andy: We are very happy to announce that we have recently raised $2.37M from Seed and Private investment rounds from more than 30 reputable Venture capitals and established blockchain projects & partners. The most important one probably is the Fantom Foundation who has been supporting us since the very beginning. Being one of the first blockchain games on Fantom and being backed and invested by the Fantom Foundation is incredibly meaningful for our project. Other big ones are DFG, HyperChain Capital, Newave Capital, ZBS Capital, LD Capital, Prometeus Labs, etc.

For more details, you can also check our website in the Investors & Partners section. In our roadmap, our IDO, INO, IGO will all be deployed in the first quarter of 2022. In the upcoming days, we are going to have our IDO/IEO from Jan 18-22, on several launchpads and on MEXC as well.

I’d like to share our latest IDO/IEO schedule here!

Iris: Can’t wait to take part in the IEO.



  • MaticLaunch — January 18, 8:30 UTC
  • GameStation — January 18, 16:00 UTC
  • Babylons — January 20, 12:00 UTC
  • GamiWorld — January 21, 12:00 UTC
  • FantomMaker — TBA


After that we would focus more on the gameplays, adding more modes and features as mentioned to make the game more fun, more exciting. Yes, we are excited too! We are very happy to do our IEO and get listed on MEXC. Thanks a lot for your help Iris and MEXC team!

Iris: Most welcome!

Iris: If you were to summarize your project in ONE word, what would it be? Why?

Andy: It will be “Community”. We want to provide a fun 3D game with a lot of features and gameplay modes to our players and it will be fun and has its own unique style and character and we know that one of the most important aspects of our GameFi project lies in our members and the Tank Wars Zone community. Essentially, what is a game without players?

Iris: Indeed!

Andy: We are very thankful for the presence and support of our members and we love listening to their feedback and we hope we can bring enjoyable and also profitable gaming experiences to our users and our communities.

Free-asking Session

What is the most ambitious goal of your project? Could share with us any Upcoming Updates?

Andy: We have tweeted this picture on our Twitter about of vision of the Tank Wars Metaverse!

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