The Roast of 2023 Market Outlook Researches by 8.Finance

Hello, friends! Michael Hypov is here✌️

For those who don’t know me…

I am the co-founder of the future unicorn – 8.Finance. I have been a crypto asset management consultant for the last 5 years (I have analyzed thousands of crypto startups). Also, I am a blogger/trader and analyst with 15 years of experience, the fourth most popular Bitcoin analyst in the Russian TradingView segment of all time. I have two master’s degrees: MBA and MCS (DS&A), and I am a developer of an artificial intelligence-based Bitcoin price prediction system. What else? I’m an author of educational and analytical content, which has been translated into 11 languages of the world and has gained more than 10 million views.

The Roast of 2023 Market Outlook Research by 8.Finance

Happy New Year to Crypto World!

Glad to see you in 2023. I’ve noticed that you liked the last post about the analysis of 2022 in our Telegraph, so I decided to start 2023 with an analysis of the Market Outlook of various key players in the venture capital, cryptocurrency, and stock markets. At the same time, I found the MEXC Creators project, so I decided to publish it here first!

For those who do not know what Market Outlook Research is – in simple terms, it is a description of the vision of the market, its prospects, and trends in the coming year, as company analysts see it. These documents are very important, as they reflect the strategic vision of the institutional key players, which means that this document will determine their behavior, which ultimately affects the entire cryptocurrency industry, including us. 

 Especially for you, I have prepared 36 reviews of the most influential market players. Here they are: 

  • a16z
  • Accenture
  • Apollo Global Management, Inc.
  • Arca Funds
  • Bank of America
  • Binance
  • BlackRock
  • Bloomberg
  • BNP Paribas
  • BNY Mellon
  • Citi
  • Coinbase
  • CoinDesk
  • Cointelegrap
  • Credit Suisse
  • Delphi Digital
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Fidelity International
  • Forbes
  • Goldman Sachs
  • HSBC
  • Huobi Research
  • ING
  • J.P. Morgan
  • Lazard
  • Messari
  • Morgan
  • Stanley
  • NatWest
  • New Order DAO
  • Pantera Capital
  • PwC
  • Saxo Bank
  • UBS
  • VanEck Wells Fargo

(Copies of the original reports of all listed companies you can find here)

The total volume of these reports exceeds 2000 pages and it will take me more than 100 hours of my time to study it. There is a lot of work to be done and all in order to discard everything superfluous and give you the vital points and the most important insights of the coming year.

Support my work with your likes and comments under this post, and don’t forget to bookmark this article so as not to lose it. Return to it at the end of the year to check if everything came true from what was predicted 🙂

You won’t find content like this anywhere else!

In total, these posts will consist of 5 parts. I will write them in such a way that I can later collect them in one book for your convenience. I will finish the last part with a summary and at the same time share my own view of the market.

Ready to look into the future?;) Then let’s go!

The Roast of Market Outlook Research 2023. Part 1

In this part, I will do a summary of 8 Market Outlook Research, there we have: 

  • Coinbase
  • Messari
  • A16z
  • Pantera Capital
  • Arca Funds
  • New Order DAO
  • Huobi Global

Why did I start with them? The answer is very simple – they were the first to fall into my hands, and therefore they were the first to be studied. I see no point in writing a separate review for each report, since these reports are similar to each other in many ways. Here I see the special value of my work and I will emphasize the distinctive features and the main points everyone agrees with.

General Opinion:

The prospects for the cryptocurrency market for 2023 are moderately optimistic. The cryptocurrency market will continue its development due to:

  1. Entry of institutional participants into the cryptocurrency (states and large corporations).
  2. Creation of the new ways to use and apply blockchain technologies.
  3. Emergence of new boxed solutions for developers, reducing the cost of the process and speeding up the time for new projects to enter the market
Main points of growthMain trends
A new wave of DeFi growth.
Blockchain infrastructure, L2, bridges.

NFT with utility functions. New ways to use and apply NFTs.Tokenization of real world assets.
Mass transition of users from Web2.
The processes of legislative regulation will be significantly accelerated,
which will create the basis for a full-scale
entry into the cryptocurrency
of institutionalists and large corporations.
General Opinion for 2023

Now let’s analyze the features of each report.


  • Market cap at the end of 2023 – $1.6 trillion. 

I would add that the maximum peak of capitalization was reached in 2021 at the level of about $3 trillion, and now it is around $900 billion. Assuming that the dominant position of Bitcoin will stay still, as most analysts say, then the price of BTCUSD at the end of the year should be 177% higher than the current values, i.e. somewhere around 30,000 USD.

  • Bitcoin and Ethereum will have more trust among investors in 2023 and will emerge from the crypto winter faster than other crypto assets.


Outlook by Messari was written by project founder Ryan Selkis. This is a huge almanac of 168 pages, where the main part is devoted to the author’s reflection on the events in 2022 and expectations from 2023.

Here are some of the highlights of the report that deserve attention:

  1. Bitcoin has passed the test of 2022 and proved its maturity as an investment asset.
  2. The trend towards valuing Bitcoin as a way of saving money will only intensify next year. Its parity in demand with gold will bring the price to around 500,000 USD. (From the context – we are talking about a long-term trend).
  3. Ethereum can have a bright future if the team follows their roadmap


Outlook from Andersen Horowitz is completely different and rather a list of the most promising technologies for startups in 2023. This report will be of particular interest to those projects that are currently in search of investors or are still at the stage of developing project documentation. After reading this report, it is pretty clear which projects Horowitz’s venture fund will prioritize.

I won’t list the whole list here, but I’ll highlight the most interesting thoughts:

  1. Non-Transferable Tokens – NFTs that are linked to a person’s identity. This technology is associated with virtual reputation, personal identity and personal identification, personal documents and everything related to personal information.
  2. Generative AI Services – Many of you have probably already heard about Chat GPT. Next year, the generative AI hype will only continue to gain momentum. AI will be able to increase the productivity of companies by 10-100 times, and services that will help implement generative AI will be at the peak of demand.
  3. Small Modular Reactors – Nuclear power is on the verge of a renaissance. Probably as early as 2023, small nuclear reactors and their mobile versions will be available on the market for commercial use.
  4. The five largest companies in the world will include companies engaged in consumer technologies in the field of healthcare.

Pantera Capital

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Paul Veradittakit, the partner at Pantera Capital, for such a short and structured Outlook of 8 pages.

There is not much to retell here, here are the headings:

  1. DeFi is in a new wave of development, and CeFi will continue to consolidate within several players
  2. We will see a significant increase in zero-knowledge use cases.
  3. Financial institutions will tokenize assets more and more often
  4. More companies will use blockchain technology
  5. Blockchain development toolkit will continue to evolve
  6. The utility-NFT market will grow and appear stronger than art-NFT

Arca Funds

Arca Fund’s report, like that of Pantera Capital’s Paul, is short and concise. Unfortunately, you will not find specific market forecasts there, however, you can see the main trends that can pull the market out of the crypto winter in 2023. 

The main theses stated in this report coincide with the theses of the reports mentioned before. The main idea that I want to draw attention to is that in 2023 we will see more powerful independent movements in cryptocurrency assets, which will less and less correlate with stock indices.

At the same time, the author of the report is convinced that the main stimulus for growth will be the transition of people from Web2, and developing countries will become the main adherents of cryptocurrency.

New Order DAO

Outlook by New Order may seem complicated to the non-technical person. The report is devoted to an overview of the main blockchain development trends in 2023.

Here are the main points of the market review for 2023 from New Order:

  1. We will see high-quality and rapid growth of technologies such as Account Abstraction, Reversible Transactions and Cross Chain technologies.
  2. One of the growth leaders in the cryptocurrency market will be the cyber security industry. The titans of the market, such as Certik, will be supplanted by flexible, small groups of professionals.
  3. New Order expects a continuation of the series of bankruptcies launched by Terra Luna and FTX. More high-profile cases of SCAM among DeFi and CeFi are highly likely to happen. A continued outflow of liquidity and users from the market will be the obvious consequence of this.
  4. The optimistic note of the report is the belief that 2023 will be the year of long money from large institutional investors.
  5. 2023 will be a year of a qualitative transition for the entire cryptocurrency industry with a focus on the emerging web3 society and technologies around it, instead of speculative investments.

The analytical report from is distinguished by good structure and simplicity of the material presented. It is divided into two parts. One is devoted to analysis and comments on the events of 2022, and the second is about trends and vision for 2023.

Here are the main theses of Market Otlook 2023 from 

  1. The number of cryptocurrency holders worldwide can reach 600-800 million.
  2. There will be several new AAA game hits that will work with web3 protocols.
  3. There will be new ways to use web3 applications compatible with the use of non-fungible tokens (they are not transferable and exchangeable and can represent the social identity of the owner).
  4. The number of web3 application developers and tools for them will continue to grow.


Huobi Research has released its 2022-2023 annual analysis report, 166 pages in size. There you can find a lot of interesting analytical information on the cryptocurrency market. As for the forecasts for 2023, many thoughts are repeated with those that were voiced by me above.

Here are the main Huobi predictions that definitely deserve your attention:

  1. The market will hit the bottom in early 2023.
  2. The probable price bottom for Bitcoin is around 15,000 USD.
  3. The probable price bottom for Ethereum is around 1000 USD.
  4. Global social networks will continue to implement Web3 technologies.
  5. Demand for on-chain storage will continue to skyrocket.
  6. Due to tighter regulation in 2023, some protocols may be in danger of being shut down.
  7. The list of countries that recognize cryptocurrency as a payment  method will expand significantly.

As a conclusion…

Friends, I am finishing the first part of the reviews. A huge amount of work has been done. Thank you very much for reading it up to the end. Please support me by reposting, liking and commenting on this material!

I have collected all original copies of the report versions on the project 8 Finance website. I would be glad if you go by the link and try to study them yourself. If I missed something or did not retell it correctly, please, let me know in the comments.

It is important to make a small disclaimer! All information here is provided for educational purposes only and in no way constitutes investment advice or a call to action. Please, take care of yourself and your money!

Sincerely yours, Michael Hypov.

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