MEXC AMA DEIP Protocol (DEIP) – Session With Alex Shkor

In this Telegram AMA recap, you’ll find insights about the DEIP Protocol (DEIP) project. In an event hosted by Sebastian from MEXC, you will meet Alex Shkor (Co-Founder and CEO of DEIP Protocol)


Introduction to Deip World:

Hi MEXC community! My name is Alex, I’m a tech entrepreneur with background in distributed system. I love building technologies, and want to make it easier for everyone. I’m a CEO and Co-founder of DEIP network – the first web3 creator economy protocol. My mission is to help realise creative potential of humanity and bring millions of creators to web3.

Questions from the community:

Question 1:

Sebastian: what is DEIP Protocol? Can you share with us more in detail?

Alex Shkor: DEIP stands for Decentralised Intellectual Property. We are building a global system, where creators will be able to monetise their IP in a much simpler and efficient way. Imagine a patient system that works for any assets, from fashion shoes design to a next compact nuclear reactor. And imagine what it’s global by default, and it takes just a couple of minutes, and couple of $ to register your IP in such a system. In the future it will allows people from all over the world to create freely and monetize their work on a global market. We will take care about all underlying infrastructure nessesary for this. Our core innovation is how to attach actual ownership of IP asset to NFT, so NFT will become not just a picture, but actual asset.

Question 2:

Sebastian: What triggers you to launch DEIP Protocol? What are some of the real-world problems/ pain points that DEIP Protocol aims to solve?

Alex Shkor: Right now every country has its own IP registry, if future there will a global one based on web3. We aim to be such an infrastructure. It’s inconvenient, slow and inefficient. It works for big corporations, but doesn’t work well for individual creators. We want to make a global IP system so as a creator you will be able to monetise you ideas globally without any limits, and with very little upfront investment.

Why we are building DEIP ? We are creators ourself, we want to use DEIP for our decentralised incubator of technologies – Collective Intelligence Labs. We want to focus on creation of a cool technologies, and be able to commercialise it via decentralised infrastructure. Focus on creation of technologies, not on promotion of them.

Question 3:

Sebastian: what is the role of the $DEIP token in DEIP Protocol? Would you tell us more about its tokenomics?

Alex Shkor: Sure, DEIP token is used for governance of DEIP Network. DEIP token holders will be able to stake DEIP token for a specific industry, like music, movies. art and other. It’s a core governance currency. DEIP Token are also used to gain free transactions throughput in the network. Also if you want to become a registrar of IP assets in the network – you first need to make a security deposit in DEIP tokens.
Also we soon releasing our first versioin of yield farming, where you will be able to use DEIP token for staking 🙂

And about tokenomics – most of DEIP tokens is allocated to the community and ivnestors – you can read more here 🙂

Question 4:

Sebastian: Are there any exciting news or updates with regards to DEIP Protocol that you would like to share with the users?

Alex Shkor: First of all – soon we are launching public version of our modular Constructor Casimir. With it you will be able to build a NFT Marketplace on DEIP Network in less then 2 weeks with just a few lines of code.
This is our secret weapon – we aim to make it as simple to deploy your NFT marketplace or DAO, or Launchpad, so right now it’s easy to deploy wordpress website. Stay tuned – and subscribe for a beta test 🙌

Question 5:

Sebastian: If you were to summarize your project in ONE word, what would it be? Why?

Alex Shkor: Innovation! 

DEIP infrastructure aim to accelerate innovation on a global scale. We want to bring such an infrastructure for intellectual property, so innovators and creators from all over the world will have an access to capital and all the necessary resources to realise their full potential.

Free-asking Session

Q1. [5555]  Where can I buy your tokens right now what is your current contract and how can I buy them??

Alex Shkor:
Right now you can buy DEIP Token here ( at MEXC Exchange

Q2. [5555]  Where I can get the latest updates or more information about the project?

Alex Shkor:
The best way to follow up with our updates is to follow us on Twitter

Q3. E.g.: [5555] What is the official website of your project?

Alex Shkor: Our official website is

Q4. Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, What makes your project different from other projects?

Alex Shkor:
We already launched our own layer-1 blockchain with Substrate framework – feel free to check the code here and we are launching our constructor this month, and this is just the beggining 🙂

Q5.[5555]  According to the roadmap, what is your most important next priority? @alexshkor

Alex Shkor:
The most important next priority is the launch of our constructor

As a goodbuy wanted to leave this video exaplainer about DEIP

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