Crypto High-Frequency Trading: A Simplified Guide for Beginners

What is Crypto High-Frequency Trading? - Image by DC Studio on Freepik
What is Crypto High-Frequency Trading? – Image by DC Studio on Freepik

Each crypto trader has their unique trading strategies and tactics. Crypto high-frequency trading (HFT) is a popular approach that uses special algorithms to carry out transactions rapidly and in big quantities.

A popular short-term trading strategy in several traditional sectors, such as finance and equities, is known as high-frequency trading, or HFT. Can cryptocurrency trading be done with this same strategy?

Now, let’s find the answer below to learn how HFT works in crypto trading.

What is Crypto High-Frequency Trading?

Crypto HFT is a trading strategy that uses algorithms to analyze and execute trades quickly and sequentially. This trading strategy’s primary objective is to profit from market price variations. 

The high-Frequency method involves traders aiming for small profits but doing so consistently each time they trade in a market. HFT trading requires quick reflexes, making it unsuitable for manual execution and less suitable for beginner traders.

Therefore, traders usually prefer to leverage and use algorithmic technology to track and execute trading signals. Compared to manual execution, traders favor using high-speed algorithms because they offer a greater chance of profit.

This trading strategy has been around for a long time and is widely used in various traditional markets such as stocks or forex. However, the crypto market can also utilize this method due to its high volatility, which provides faster market price movements.

How Does Crypto High-Frequency Trading Work?

Crypto HFT is a trading method that speculates on market price movements within a short time frame. The algorithm attempts to detect market conditions that are difficult for the human eye to discern. 

HFT algorithms typically control the transaction scheduled in the market as they read data and information in real time.

Crypto trading is extremely volatile and crypto high-frequency trading algorithms are crucial for spotting lucrative trading opportunities. Generally speaking, HFT can be applied to bid-ask spreads, arbitrage, and other short-term trading techniques.

Examples of Crypto High-Frequency Trading Strategies

There are several examples of strategies that can typically be used with HFT trading. These methods include:


Another HFT trading strategy is market-making. When traders use this method, they can earn money from the difference between the bid and ask prices, also known as the spread. By using crypto high-frequency trading algorithms, traders can gain twofold profits directly from the spread.

For example, a trader buys BNB coins at the asking price of $150 and then sells them at the bid price of $153. This is called a spread order in crypto HFT. The trader makes a profit of approximately $3 by taking advantage of the spread order.

The automated algorithm attempts to execute transactions to earn small profits from the spread within a few seconds or minutes. Although the profits are not large, this HFT trading method can be quite effective when repeated consistently.

Volume Trading

Another HFT strategy is volume-based trading, where the method leverages the total market volume at a given time. This strategy typically involves tracking the number of shares or crypto assets traded within a certain timeframe.

Put simply, market liquidity rises in tandem with an increase in trade volume. Large-scale share purchases or sales are now simpler and don’t substantially affect the current market price.


Compared to regular exchanges, the cryptocurrency market is more volatile, which increases the arbitrage opportunity. Profiting from price discrepancies for the same asset across many exchanges or markets is the goal of arbitrage trading.

Crypto traders need to buy at a lower price on one platform and then sell at a higher price on another exchange. This HFT crypto trading strategy must be executed quickly and simultaneously before the price correction occurs.

Crypto High-Frequency Trading Pros and Cons

Crypto HFT methods are implementations of strategies that were previously used in traditional markets. Therefore, there are several advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of when engaging in HFT trading.


  • Algorithm-Driven Accuracy: HFT relies on algorithms, which provide higher accuracy and efficiency.
  • Automation and Ease of Use: The process is automated and can be easily managed by users.
  • High Liquidity: Targeted markets have large liquidity, which helps minimize excessive spread orders.


  • Algorithm Errors: There is a risk of losses due to errors in the algorithm.
  • Smaller Profits: Profits are typically smaller, so a larger capital investment is required.
  • Short-Term Focus: HFT is not suitable for all trading methods and is generally intended for short-term trading.

Is High-Frequency Trading (HFT) Profitable?

Crypto high-frequency trading is a profitable trading method with lower risk, as it targets small, consistent gains. However, this method is generally not suitable for beginners or traders with small capital.

The reason is straightforward: because the target profits are small, a significant amount of capital is needed to achieve substantial gains. Additionally, there is a need for regular optimization of algorithms, particularly for trading bots or robots used in the process.

Personal Note From MEXC Team

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